Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I made awesome compost.

Friday, May 8, 2009

rb float

john-see my puh-pee
thinks she is a big dog
oh I hve to go before vahm-see drinks the root beer float=

golf cart tips

so you want to sell a golf cart

number one:Craigs list is not a good place to put an ad for a golf cart being sold in a retirement community.( I do hardily endorse craigs list, cuz I like the peace symbol, just not for selling golf carts)  I don't mean to discredit our older friends, some of whom are very computer savvy , but in general they are more likely to look at print ads. If you put an ad on craigs list and no one replies, you might think no one is interested and try a print ad that offers the golf cart for a very cheap price. Which segways nicely to :number two:Make the price higher than what you really want for it. That way people will haggle for a lower price, and feel like they have gotten a good deal. How come every third world child selling pens on a street corner knows this and I don't? Obviously i am not hungry enough. I guess the lesson is, hire a skinny kid to dress in rags and stand in front of the golf cart, make sure they have big sad eyes, and have them haggle for a good price,. Make sure you follow local child labor practices, and give the kid a good cut. Remember, children are the future.


Today I got in the back seat of the car because the dogs had jumped into the front seat when I went to the store to get creamer and root beer. I put the root beer down on some staples that had spilled out of a box into the back seat and one must have gotten pierced ( please stop singing Vamsi ) because  root beer started spraying all over the car. Vamsi won't stop singing. He is a terrible singer. He is trying to get on my good side, at least he said so, but he is doing a very bad job of it.

falling off scooters on vacation

Google suggested this title for my post. I haven't posted in so long. One day is much like the other, sunrise, sunset, etc.  And yet so much has happened. Yesterday was my birthday and we went to see this Disney movie called Earth because earth day is my birthday. I thought Disney movies were cuddly and magical but o no not this one it was brutal and horrifying. The narrator said that we are not in touch with the circle of life but he did not see the dead bird on my doorstep. I can only be suspicious of foul play as there is no reason for that bird just to have flown up to my door and died. Just a few months ago there was a dead rat next to the door. I do not have a cat either and none of the logical explanations apply.  Is space alien or neighborhood psycopath. Spell checker suggests episcopate, pussycat, scoped, passport or scooped. I don't think it is any of those.  I don't even know what an episcopate is, maybe a syncopated Episcopal, but I don't think they would leave a dead house finch, male, at my door. Other than that, spring is wonderful and April is the coolest month, like the poet spake.

polar bears

polar bears

Ok so we are going to list polar bears as endangered but e are not going to do anything about it. Anyone who has seen the movie Earth ( which I did not recommend in an earlier post ) knows that melting sea ice, which we all know is being exacerbated by man's actions, is leading to the death of polar bears. But the former administration said that endangered status didn't mean any action would be taken about climate change, and now the current administration agrees. Change ? this is change? no change on climate change policies.OK maybe it is all too complicated for me, but if climate change is causing animals to become endangered, then shouldn't we do something about climate change? Otherwise what is the point of having an endangered species act? So that we can show the list to future generations and say " yes we knew these animals were endangered but we didn't do anything about it." Great, as if those future generations aren't already upset enough about being exploited to sell used golf carts.