When i was single, I tried a free dating service that allowed you to e mail people and get to know them that way. This one fellow wrote very nicely, and i was impressed and so went to meet him.
He was pleasant enough, but some things he said worried me. Such as, your alright, I used to date babes so I am over that phase.
Let me assure you that if you have spent a reasonably long life not being a babe, except to certain men with astigmatisms or bad taste, you are well aware of the fact that you are not a babe. It is not a good way to start a relationship, because you are probably not going to become appreciably better looking, and after a few weeks he will run screaming from you.
He also apparently came from a well to do background, and when he found out that I was an hourly employee he said ' wow you punch a clock and everything? I never knew anyone who punched a clock" and I did feel a little like Norma Ray but I was afraid that if we ever got involved he would make me enter through the backdoor and sleep in the servants quarters.
The worst thing was that he turned out to be rabidly right winged, which some might consider a redundancy, saying things about taking all the land back from the native Americans and Reagan should have been made king and such. Nowadays, and this was ten years or so ago, it is common for young people to learn about each other through writing and texting and twitching or what have you, and this is just a cautionary tale from someone old enough to be your mother, though if I was and you had tatoos I would definately disown you, just a warning, and you are all like, women get mean when they get old, but sometimes that is all a woman has left, is to cut you out of the will for eating fast food burgers and driving an SUV and I am leaving everything to PETA just to spite all of you...ha ha just kidding. The Humane Society, really.