Saturday, September 17, 2011

fancy hotel

I took a picture from the hotel window of the great view of Mauna loa, but it was on Jhumpis camera, these are unrelated pictures.
So I kept thinking , when i saw pictures of this luxury hotel we were going to stay at, that I had been there before, and when I got there, it all came back to me. it is the place were I tore up my knee on lava rocks when i swam with Manta Rays.
so when we arrived there, I was ready to go snorkeling. The paper about the hotel said that it didn't have its own beach, but that you could walk from it and snorkel. so based on that , we went to the front desk to find out where we could walk to and snorkel, and this snippy youngster tried to point us to the beginners beach, just because we are old and blimpish, ( I originally typed plumpish, which is not a word I guess, and spell checker proposed blimpish, which i like better.) and I said listen here young lady, I have a scar on my knee that i actually got at this hotel, so don't think I am some green horn leghorn, no siree, and later we stole some towels to get her in trouble. haha only part of that is true. But it is sadly true that we did not get to snorkel that night, but we did get to swim in the amazing pool and Jacuzzi, and the tube slide that was cool. We ate a really expensive dinner in the manta lounge, where the waiter says you can see mantas every night but we never saw any, maybe we didn't stay up late enough/ Well that was where Jhumpi spoke the fateful words, we haven't been getting much exercise, and tune in next time to see what happens with that!

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