Friday, March 1, 2013

Exciting new chamnges!

Hi every minion!
There have been a lot of changes since I made a post! I couldn't get on to make a post for a while, and the blogoshpere missed out on a lot of exciting events in my life.
I guess it is time to move on now and start fresh, with the important news of my lovely, neurotic, deeply disturbed and brain damaged cat, Pyxidillo!
Her hobbies are  peeing on things, scratching things, meowing in a most annoying manner, and finding the smallest, cutest mice to torture and kill. She doesn't like to sleep, she will stay awake and bat at my head for as long as possible until she dozes off and wakes with a startle reaction, and grab my arm with her claws as she falls from her perch on the couch!
Welcome charming feline! You truly make me appreciate my dogs in a way I never dreamed possible!

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