Hi every minion!
There have been a lot of changes since I made a post! I couldn't get on to make a post for a while, and the blogoshpere missed out on a lot of exciting events in my life.
I guess it is time to move on now and start fresh, with the important news of my lovely, neurotic, deeply disturbed and brain damaged cat, Pyxidillo!
Her hobbies are peeing on things, scratching things, meowing in a most annoying manner, and finding the smallest, cutest mice to torture and kill. She doesn't like to sleep, she will stay awake and bat at my head for as long as possible until she dozes off and wakes with a startle reaction, and grab my arm with her claws as she falls from her perch on the couch!
Welcome charming feline! You truly make me appreciate my dogs in a way I never dreamed possible!
Friday, March 1, 2013
Saturday, September 17, 2011
captain cooks grave, and almost ours too.....

At the trailhead we saw a man with two labs, and he said, have you ever hked this trail before, and something about the look he gave us* and the way he said it was troubling. But I thought, how bad can it be if this guy takes his dogs down here a couple of times a week.
The trail was very long, and rather scenic to see the ocean and lava in the distance as we hiked down. when we got to the bottom, i said, well that was a hard hike but look what a great private beach we get for ourselves. hahahahah. I did notice some kayaks in the distance, headed our way, and that was a bit worrisome.
I told Jhumpi, we have to be very careful on entering the water, and went to demonstrate the proper technique, when my feet contacted algae and slipped right out from me and I fell on my butt. Luckily my head, a fatty and largely useless appendage, took the brunt of the impact.
I took the first snorkel, and spied many great fish, tang and Humuhumunukunukuapua'a *and coronet fish, wrasse and parrot fish and one very great octopus. while i was snorkeling the kayakers showed up and they just kept coming. There were piles of kayaks on our private beach. Jhumpi was sitting on the beach feeding birds our precious food.
We took turns snorkelling and enjoying the private, shady spot we had secured by being the first people there. We started to get tired, and to run low on food and water so we decided to climb back up. It was a lot hotter, and steeper on the way up. It was frankly rather unpleasant to the point of being miserable. toward the top, I didn't know how long we had left to climb, and we were almost out of water, and I was worryed. This whole thing had been my stupid idea, and what a lousy tour guide I was turning out to be. We took some rests, and then we saw some people chatting, and they chatted with us, and then they offered us some food and water. They were our angles. It would have been very miserable if we hadn't found them. So amid great rejoycing on our parts we finally made it to the top, and the jeep was still there, and then we went to get ice cream. YAY
fancy hotel
So I kept thinking , when i saw pictures of this luxury hotel we were going to stay at, that I had been there before, and when I got there, it all came back to me. it is the place were I tore up my knee on lava rocks when i swam with Manta Rays.
so when we arrived there, I was ready to go snorkeling. The paper about the hotel said that it didn't have its own beach, but that you could walk from it and snorkel. so based on that , we went to the front desk to find out where we could walk to and snorkel, and this snippy youngster tried to point us to the beginners beach, just because we are old and blimpish, ( I originally typed plumpish, which is not a word I guess, and spell checker proposed blimpish, which i like better.) and I said listen here young lady, I have a scar on my knee that i actually got at this hotel, so don't think I am some green horn leghorn, no siree, and later we stole some towels to get her in trouble. haha only part of that is true. But it is sadly true that we did not get to snorkel that night, but we did get to swim in the amazing pool and Jacuzzi, and the tube slide that was cool. We ate a really expensive dinner in the manta lounge, where the waiter says you can see mantas every night but we never saw any, maybe we didn't stay up late enough/ Well that was where Jhumpi spoke the fateful words, we haven't been getting much exercise, and tune in next time to see what happens with that!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
day three, off we go to Kona
Then we went to the astronomy center, which is a very cool place that combines Hawaiin history and beliefs with scientific knowledge gathered from the Mauna Kea observatory. They have a native garden outside, and I learned the difference between indigenous, endemic, and canoe plants.
After that, we went to visit the statue of King Kamahameha in Hilo, before heading north to Akaka falls, in the picture . That is a very pretty place were you hike through lots of tropical plants to see a very tall waterfall. This part of the big island is where all the beautiful tropical scenery is found. Also cows.
Waimea valley overlook was our next stop. It is a beautiful place and a sacred place depicted in many post cards. We learned that the missionaries brought disease to the natives and wiped out a lot of them, then had to get people from other places to do the manual labor so the descendants of the mikanele , Hawaiian word for missionarys, could make a lot of money. Which is why there are so many Japanese and Filipino people on Hawaii.
Then we went to get some lunch at a little place down the road. We got delicious ice cream and banana bread, and we picked up a CD by Iz to listen to, so that I could experience white people guilt and Jhumpi could come up with logical justifications of imperialism ( which sounds worse than it is .) There was a big dog named Elvis hanging around, and he was the first dog I got to pet on the island. The owner of the store, who sounded like he was from Chicago or the east coast, but wouldn't admit it, chased Elvis away. I wanted to buy souvenir's, but I restrained myself.
So we headed off to the big luxury hotel, eating ice cream and enjoying the scenery.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
lava tubes
They are very popular. Lots of people park here and go here.
We parked in a different lot and walked here, through some lovely tropical foliage and hearing but not seeing birds. It is very cool and neat to walk through a tube in the earth made by lava.
after walking through the lava tubes, we drove back to Hilo, and guess where we ate dinner..
we walked around Hilo after eating, and came upon this wonder ful old theatre that was showing Buck, and the lady at the door invited us in and showed us around.
Now of all the ways I failed as a tour guide, this is the one that saddens me most because instead of staying to watch the movie, I said , we have a busy day tomorrow, lets go back to the hostel and figure out what we are doing. I wish we had seen the movie.
more day 2
Ok and then we drove up to the place where the lava enters the sea but there were a ton of people and they drove crazy and made me mad and I was hot so I let Jhumpi go ahead and I sat in the car and watched these cute lava colored shore birds fly around and into cliffs in the lava rock. The ocean was so dark blue and white capped on the windward side, I just sat there and enjoyed the breeze.
Then we went to the petroglyphs and learned about the Hawaiians putting umbilical stumps in hole in the rock. Also cool carvings, very nice. There was a teenager that stepped on the petroglyphs, instead of staying on the boardwalk, and when his parents said, now bobby.. he was all duh like I am gonna do somethin to them and I was like stupid little crap head, you better get out of here before I spit on your Abercromby and Finch tea shirt not really but I was so glad I don't have any teenagers. But why would you ruin a perfectly good vacation by bringing along a teenager?
Then we went back to the Lava tubes....
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